Oh that glorious Weekend!!!

A post after a long time and maybe something that seems to be striking my mind a lot these days.  A weekend is probably that time of the week which is meant to relax, rejuvenate and probably get us ready for the next week. A lot of us see it as time to clear off pending personal work (or maybe professional work) and unwind. Some of us plan for the weekend, some don’t. The weekend could seem choc-a-block for some and absolutely free for some. Some could party up their entire weekend while some could spend it curling up on their sofa binging on TV series and movies. Better some of us could spend this time for more meaningful activities directed towards the society.

I am often asked “What did you do for the weekend?”. Although there is a part of me which likes to have outdoor weekends, there is a bigger part of me which likes to stay at home over the weekend. Its not so much about the weekend or the question that irks me rather the outcome of my answer “I did nothing!”. People seem to make a opinion about you based on your response. If you say you went skiing or shopping, people think you had a fantastic weekend. If you say you just stayed at home and did nothing, people assume you are a loner who doesn’t like socialize.

Rewind to the past about 20-30 years back, did the concept of weekend really exist when our parents worked in a 9-5pm job and also had weekends off. Did we really go party hopping every weekend or did we go vacationing/shopping/socializing every other weekend? Weekends were probably due to the Doordarshan Sunday evening movie when the neighborhood got together in the house which had a TV.  With advancing times and less constraints on the purse and better options for hangouts, weekends have definitely gained a whole new perspective altogether.

Everyone has the right to decide how fantastic or not fantastic his/her weekend was and that opinion is just for themselves. I just don’t think its just for anybody else to ask you what you did for the weekend and then not just voice out their opinions but also to keep on badgering you about having an actual weekend. Maybe next time, if you do venture out to ask someone this question, please do think again before asking that question.

So “What did you do for your weekend?”

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